
Welcome to Simmol, a dynamic and innovative consultancy firm specializing in strategic advice for the energy storage, conversion, and management sector. Led by a seasoned consultant with a passion for transformative solutions, we are dedicated to empowering businesses with tailored expertise. Our focus areas include business modeling & value propositions, innovative business strategies, and M&A and technology licensing. With a keen eye for market trends and an unwavering commitment to your success, our consultancy services are designed to accelerate your growth and maximize your potential in the ever-evolving energy industry. Partner with us, and together, we’ll illuminate the path to a brighter and sustainable future.

Business modeling & Value proposition

At Simmol, we recognize that a solid business model and compelling value propositions are essential for success. We bring expertise in refining business models, optimizing operations, and crafting value propositions that resonate with your target audience. Whether you’re a startup or an established enterprise, our tailored approach will ensure your business stands out amidst the competition and is ready for sustainable growth.
Business modeling allows to test the value proposition without spending large amounts of money while dramatically reducing the risk for the investors. Our methodic approach has benefitted several customers such as Fujitsu, Mastercard, GE, 3M, SAP, Intel, Microsoft and many others.

Innovative business strategies

Innovation is the beating heart of progress, and at Simmol, we thrive on creating visionary business strategies. With our consultant’s industry insights and forward-thinking mindset, we help you explore new opportunities, embrace cutting-edge technologies, and chart a course for remarkable success. Our strategies are designed to position your company as a trailblazer in the ever-evolving energy sector, driving growth, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

M&A and technology licensing

Navigating the intricacies of M&A and technology licensing requires expert guidance, and at Simmol, our consultants excel in executing seamless deals. We work diligently to identify strategic partnerships, acquisition opportunities, and technology licensing collaborations that align with your objectives. Our thorough technical & commercial due diligence and negotiation skills ensure that you secure deals that drive mutual success, empowering your company to leverage innovations and intellectual property to its advantage.

Let’s work together, from molecule to megawatt.

Making the right business decisions can be challenging. And  making the wrong ones can be very expensive.
Getting an expert opinion will accelerate your business and channel shareholder’s money to ensure maximum return.