Product design

We are dedicated to helping you streamline your product design process, ensuring optimal manufacturability and performance for your energy storage solutions. With our deep industry knowledge and technical expertise, we offer comprehensive product design support, from initial concept development to prototype creation, helping you bring your innovative ideas to life. We provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the product design phase, helping you navigate complex challenges such as thermal management, safety considerations, and regulatory compliance, ensuring your energy storage system is reliable and compliant with industry standards.


Requirements review

As consultants in the lithium-ion energy storage market, we specialize in reviewing product requirements for development projects. We understand that incomplete or vague requirements can significantly hinder the product development process, causing unnecessary delays. By meticulously examining and analyzing the provided specifications, we identify any gaps or ambiguities, allowing for timely clarification and ensuring a smooth and efficient development cycle. Our expertise in the field enables us to ask the right questions, collaborate with stakeholders, and provide valuable insights to create comprehensive and accurate product requirements, ultimately accelerating the development timeline and reducing potential setbacks.

Design concepts

Once the product requirements are finalized, we craft one or more design concepts or architectures. Leveraging our expertise in the lithium-ion energy storage market, we creatively explore various possibilities to develop innovative and efficient solutions. With meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of industry trends, we conceptualize designs that align with the project goals, performance targets, and regulatory requirements. By carefully evaluating the trade-offs and feasibility of different design approaches, we deliver well-thought-out design concepts that lay the foundation for successful product development, ensuring optimal performance, reliability, and customer satisfaction.

Design progress review

Throughout the product design process, we recommend to have distinct phases marked by gate reviews where the project steering committee is briefed on project progress. With our expertise, we actively participate in these Steerco meetings, making valuable contributions both technically and strategically. By leveraging my deep understanding of the lithium-ion energy storage market and technical intricacies, we provide insights and recommendations that align with project and sales objectives. We facilitate informed decision-making that drive the project forward towards successful outcomes.

Validation review

As consultants, our role is to provide recommendations and expertise to ensure the completeness of the validation plan. Drawing upon our knowledge and experience in the lithium-ion energy storage market, we work closely with your team to review and assess the existing plan. By identifying potential gaps or areas that require further attention, we make strategic recommendations to enhance the plan’s comprehensiveness. This includes suggesting specific types of analysis, stress testing methods, or additional validation procedures that can effectively address functional and safety considerations. Ultimately, our recommendations contribute to ensuring a robust and thorough validation process for the designed product.

At the end of the product validation we can review the validation plan and confirm the product’s readyness.

Let’s work together, from molecule to megawatt.

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