R&D Roadmap

With our consulting services, we offer comprehensive assistance in planning the Research and Development (R&D) roadmap for your organization. Drawing upon our deep expertise in the lithium-ion energy storage market, we collaborate closely with your team to assess your goals, technological trends, and market demands. Through meticulous analysis, we provide strategic recommendations for R&D initiatives, including areas of focus, resource allocation, and innovation strategies. Our goal is to help you chart a clear and effective R&D roadmap that aligns with your business objectives, fosters technological advancements, and ensures a competitive edge in the dynamic energy storage industry.

Architecture recommendations

As consultants, we specialize in making architecture recommendations for product families that are designed to endure across multiple product generations. Leveraging our expertise in the lithium-ion energy storage market, we analyze the evolving industry trends, customer needs, and technological advancements. With a forward-thinking approach, we provide strategic guidance in designing flexible and scalable architectures that accommodate future enhancements, upgrades, and variations. By considering long-term viability, compatibility, and cost-effectiveness, our recommendations ensure that your product family remains adaptable, competitive, and successful throughout its lifecycle, saving time and resources in future iterations.

Cell chemistry and form factor

We offer specialized recommendations for cell chemistry and form factor in the context of lithium-ion energy storage solutions. When it comes to cell chemistry, we analyze the specific requirements of your application, considering factors such as energy density, cycle life, safety, and cost. Lithium-ion is a popular chemistry, but there are others. Also within the lithium-ion family there are many options. Based on this analysis, we provide tailored suggestions for cell chemistries that optimize the performance, cost and longevity of your energy storage system.

In terms of form factor, we take into account the power, thermal management and packaging of the energy storage system. By considering these factors, we offer recommendations to ensure the chosen form factor is the best fit with your project’s needs.

Let’s work together, from molecule to megawatt.

Making the right business decisions can be challenging. And  making the wrong ones can be very expensive.
Getting an expert opinion will accelerate your business and channel shareholder’s money to ensure maximum return.